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Images won't load?!

I'm having a lot of trouble getting just two images to load in the site. They are both .gif images (one a photo, the other a banner made with Corel). On all of the other pages with .gif images they all load just fine. The page in question is my home page (index.htm) so it's very important that these images load. Anyone with a suggestion I would be grateful.

Re: Images won't load?!

I tried your URL but it gives me a access denied message. If you could give us a valid URL to look at we may be able to help.

Re: Images won't load?!

Thanks for the offer. It will be up today.

Re: Images won't load?!

It being written in FrontPage, your html code is a complete mess, but there is nothing wrong with your image tags. You seem not be be referring to the correct image URLs. These images could not be found when I entered them in my browser:


If they ARE supposed to be present in the directory, you have a hosting problem. If they are in a different directory, you should refer to that directory.

Hope I helped.

Re: Images won't load?!



could not be found either.

Re: Images won't load?!

Thaks ZPS - i'll hae a look at my coding and hosting then.

Re: Images won't load?!

Thanks again ZPS. My site is up and running 100% now. I really appreciated the input.