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web site

I recently switched my website and domain to Bravenet. I updated the nameserver entries to yesterday. I started and published some new pages. When I went to preview my pages, they were there. However, when I go to, the browser cannot find any website now. Does it just take time or is there something that I still need to do?

Re: web site

There are thousands of domain name servers around the world. Most are updated within 24 hours and almost all are updated within 3 days. A very few take longer.

Until the appropriate domain name server that you (or the person trying to visit your site) has been updated to point to its new location you (or they) will see the old location instead. That is why people transferring sites from one host to another usually give it about two weeks overlap with the site available in both places in order that it doesn't disappear.

Re: web site

Hi, It has been over 10 days since I moving my site and domain to Bravenet, and still my site cannot be found. After I preview the published pages. i click on my url, and says it can't be found. Help

Re: web site

I have the same problem as David, when I try to go on the web, I get whereever my site has been used, but in order to go on to my site, I have to first go to bravenet, then to my site.
What I want to know is, WHY?

Re: web site

I wish I could even see it thru Bravenet. I can only see mine in preview and no one else can see it.

Re: web site

I think it takes anywhere up to 72 hrs. for the Internet to do their registrations. I could be wrong. When in doubt, do as I did: open a support ticket

Good luck!

Re: web site

IF you have to go to BRAVENET in order to access your site, that means that people cannot find your site.


Good luck everyone!

Re: web site

David, if you can only see your site through "PREVIEW", that means;

1) you have not published your site

2) you published your site, but something is wrong with your site address


Good luck!

Re: web site

Thanks all! I started the process in late March!!! after following the instructions, and waiting for two more weeks, I finally opened a second support ticket and got a response. I think all will be fixed in a couple days.
If not, In the words of our govinator, "I'll be back!"