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can not find my web site on Bravenet

I have not been to my web site on Bravenet in a long time. I can not seem to find it. I am able to log in and see my personal information but have no idea how to access the site. I have read the help sections but can not find the answer. I want to delete this site from bravenet but I see when I click delete in the personal info section it says that it will not delete the site. Please help me asap?
Joan Hershkowitz

Re: can not find my web site on Bravenet

glitch? I dunno

Re: can not find my web site on Bravenet

You cant find it because there is no suffix like .com, .net

Re: can not find my web site on Bravenet

You can not see the site name in your posting because it is incomplete. If you had a free account and used the login name "cavelove", then the URL for your web site might be "". But that is just a guess and comes back as being a Available Domain.

But the part about not deleting your site, you need to read what was on that page a little more carefully. All they are telling you is that you need to go to "manage hosting" to delete the data from your web site. At the bottom of that page is a "delete website" icon. Then, if you like, delete your Member Account. If you delete your Member Account before you delete your website data, you website will continue to be there, but no one will be able to log in and manage it.