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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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I decided to try to revitalise this board

I enjoyed the things you wrote bout alexis, i sent you an email but it refuses to leave my email adress, but it should do so in a few days, in the meanwhile i decided to post here and try to revitalise this webpage. I know that all things come on their own time but it would be nice if you could update your webpage and write new things.

Best wishes

Re: I decided to try to revitalise this board

Hi Aki

I just love your name, by the way. I'd be so happy to have this message board active again. Long ago when I did regular chat sessions and live angel workshops, we had quite a wonderful group of people gather here with lively questions and conversation.

I am just getting over a long-term illness and haven't been able to do much updating. Rest assured it IS in the works for very very soon. I'd love to get back to weekly chat sessions, discussions, workshops and visits with notable guest speakers.

Thanks very much for writing and for taking the time to stop by and post.

With love