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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~

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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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Thank you for you prays Trinity Angels. For I am on the right path. I let of my relation with ex fiance. I pray that he over come his drug and alcohol problems. I am thankful I spend more time with god and my children now. I have a good job working at a childrens hospital doing my fathers work everyday. Just pray for me that I hold on to gods hands. I am concern about my bills and house note. I put my finance in gods hands he is in control. I ask god if it is ment for me to have a relationship that leads to marriage that he sent that person to me and help me to relize that that is man god desires for me. When I need a hug and kiss let god love flow threw me and all around me and keep me safe and warm. Pray for me that my father provide all me needs and keep me and my children safe and loved. Thank you god for your love, kindness and understanding I do not every want to be without you. Thank you arch angels for your love, help and understanding. David my gardine angel I love and thank you sometimes you have been disappointed in the choices I made please forgive me. But you have always been by my side. I love you I thank my heavenly father for the love you have given me. I have been blessed to see you in my dreams and out the corners of my eyes sometimes and then you would disappear. I love seeing you. Thank you.