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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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On the right path

Dear pray partners I like to thank you. About a year ago I came to you in pray. I had a love one who had a drug and alcohol addiction. I finally let go of the relationship. I put him out the house. I realize I was not being the child of god my father desire me to be. We were not marry. I stop taking time for god because I was concern or worry about him. He took up all my time. I was not happy at home at work, or in my relationship with him. It was not easy to let go of the relationship because I thought that the new home god had bless me with, I needed his income. But the truth is he cost me more in the relationship because he used his paycheck at least once a month for drugs and alcohol which cause me to look for help. He out the house I am not having sex. I pray meditate and study the word of god. I still talk to him for I feel that he may cause harm to himself if I do not. I do not tell him were getting back together. I tell him he has to be able to take care of his self and his children before he tries to make a commitment to me. I told him that I would love to have a man that god desires for me that on the same path spiritual growth and truth. I am bless with a new job paying twice what I was making. With this job I can pay all my bill off. I can take care of myself and children. I ask for your prays and the angels help. To learn my job at childrens hospital and to do it well. I praise god for I know his will will be done for me and all my co workers and customers their. I love my job because I have lessons to learn their and do gods work. Thank you for you prays. I am back on the path.

Re: On the right path

Blessings to you sweet Sharon!!

We'll keep praying. It sounds like everything is finally working for you!!

With love
Alexis :-)

Re: Re: On the right path

Thank you for responding to my message. I needed the prays and love that I recieved from my trinity family and the angels. I am blessed. Thank you.

Re: On the right path

Keep us posted Sharon!! Even though many choose not to leave messages on this board, be assured there are always people reading and praying! (Myself included)

With love,