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Horrified with Porn Advertisments on Trinity!!!


I'm not sure if I speak for everyone, but I believe I speak for a large majority when I say I am completely Horrified with the Porn Messages (Advertisments) here in the Trinity Angels Message Forum.

Hopefully you have a way to remove those messages as I do not believe they portray the atmosphere you intended with Trinity Angels.


Mom of one heavenly angel, two earthly angels and one angel on the way.

Text: Horrified with Porn Advertisments on Trinity!!!

Re: Horrified with Porn Advertisments on Trinity!!!

Hi Kim

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I have tried to keep this place monitored and to go in and get rid of these advertisements as soon as they pop up but to no avail. Right now, I am in the process of working with Bravenet to assure they do not find their way in here ever again.

It's a slow process. I apologize to everyone who is offended but please know this has nothing to do with my or with Trinity. These are ads that get placed by a computer, not a human.

Shortly, I will have a new message board and you will not see this type of thing again.

With love