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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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Sal Meano Love

Dear trinity please pray for me for I ask for the truth and found out that my finance is on drugs and alcoholic. He has taken money for the bills and food and deappeared. I ask that you pray for me for I am letting go of this relationship and letting god. Pray that the angels watches over me and my children and Sal Love does nothing else to hurt me or my children. Pray that the angels guard and protects my home. Pray that I am able to pay my bills off and provide for me and my children. Help me to stay center and do Gods will for I do Love Sal Love. Please pray for as I walk threw this shadow of darkness for I have seen the light the truth.

Re: Sal Meano Love

((((Sweet Lady))))

We are praying and I am wondering how you are doing? Please drop us a note and let us know.

Trinity cares about you.
With love,

Re: Sal Meano Love

Dear trinity members please pray for me. Because on friday 13 Sal took my car, his pay check and disappeard for 5 days. When he came home his bags were pack. He admitted he way sick. And I admitted he needed help and I could not help him. Please for me to be strong and let got of this relationship unless God desires me to be their for him. Pray for my finances because I was afraid of being without Sal help. But he waste more money than he makes and he really is not their for me. When he has money or pay day its a fear or a worry. Pray that I can stay strong pray for his that he gets the help he needs.