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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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August Angel Passage

For those of you who do not receive the monthly angel passage from Trinity, here it is:

"Dearest Child:

So many times of late we have seen you cover your face with the palms of your hands. At times you were simply exhausted and at other times, we felt your saddness, your pain, your confusion, your anxiety and your frustration. Yes, child, we are always standing behind you at the ready. Why do you not remember to call on us for aid? Lately when you do remember, you forget to give us time to work in your life. How can you ask us for help one moment and in the next, begin to take control again? Faith, Hope and Trust, dear one, these are our only requests. Seek thee only to ask and then prayerfully wait for our response. We will never fail you. You are far too precious.

You are reminded to watch for our signature signs. At this time you are seeing numerals repeat themselves, 222, 333, 444 and so forth. When you notice this, recall this message and know we are simply reaching out to touch you, to speak, 'hello', to remind you to continue in your faith and prayer.

Each day brings a new opportunity for growth and for love. It is urgent you begin each morning with the realization that yesterday has gone. For God so loved the world that He created the sunset as a gift of rememberance, as if to say, 'Child, you have given your all this day, now slumber in beauty's protection to begin anew tomorrow. All is well. You are Blessed. You are loved.'

Remember as well that we are your angels, set forth to honor and protect you. Lean into our arms, for we shall be with you always. Faith. Hope. Trust. Love shall always be.

We are your angels, set forth to bring you love."

From Alexis:

"Angels can work with us only to whatever degree we are able to hear them. When we are willing to grow, they will lead us. They are only waiting for us to pause...and ask the way...and listen. Such are the ways of angels." ~Karen Goldman~The Angel Book,Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think might benefit from it. As always, I send my Blessings, thank you for being part of Trinity Angels.

Also, keep in mind that Trinity now offers live, personal angel readings. Simply go to the site and click on the link that says, "Ask for an Angel Reading".

Love to all,

Trinity Angels

PS--If you would like to receive the monthly message's in your email box, simply join our newsletter. Go to and click on the link that says, "Join our mailing list". From there, select, "Monthly Angel Passage" and follow the directions.