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May's Angel Passage

~The following is the text of the Angel Passage sent out this morning. If there are any of you out there who want to subscribe to this list, simply go to and click on the link at the bottom that says, "Join the New Mailing List" then select "Monthly Angel Passage".

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May Message
May 2, 2004

Dear Alexis,
The following is the angel message for May.

"Dearest Child:

Why are you hiding your joy from the rest of the world?

So many times of late you have been inspired by the spirit to create, yet you allow matters of the physical world to rob you. By the time you return to try to recapture the orginal feeling, the inspiration is gone.
Which is the more surprising to you? Is it the fact that we announce you as a creative being or the fact that as a simple being, you are divinely inspired?

Dear Child, we wish to remind you that inspiration is fleeting and must be seized and used as it arrives. While it may arrive in such simplicity as: the form of an inner prompting to call an old friend, an urge to clean off the front porch, an inclination to take a drive across town, put on a favorite song, send a card, surprise a relative or simply to let something irritating go by without incident; it is to be honored as gift, however large or small.

True inspiration is not solely reserved for those your world reveres as, 'the great minds' although it is 'soulfully' reserved. True inspiration occurs when your spirit is freely connecting with the universe. Everyone on your earth receives divine inspiration, especially you! Each of you is a creation of the One who is love. You are a unique being.

Hear our call: True reverance is not reserved for the honorees of grandiose inspiration; it is for those who listen and heed what the heart dictates. Love created only ONE of you. Be contemplative. Why would Love create only one of each being in the world were it not to do with creative inspiration?

Ambiance in your every day life is not a frivolity; it is necessity. You were created to live in beauty. Look thee only to the sun and the stars and the sky; to the lush greenery of grass and trees and to the majesty of the large creatures of the sea, to the highest mountains, to the sparkle of the fireflies in the evening and the song of the birds announcing day break. Your world was created out of His love for you as inspiration for you.

We wish to help you with your projects large and small yet even we may not be recognized in your home if your mind, body and spirit are cluttered. Therefore our message to you this day and every day remains, 'keep your corners clear & heed all inspiration'. You have joy to share with the rest of your world despite the fact you may not choose to believe. The first step in claiming this joy is to clear your corners. Do not fall into belief that corners are merely in the physical. Heart and mind and body and soul can have cluttered corners as well. Remember ASK and we shall rush to your aid.

Reach thee out. Reach thee up! Express the joy you carry within through honor of inspiration. You will find us there always.

We are your angels, set forth to bring you love."

From Alexis:

"Angels can work with us only to whatever degree we are able to hear them. When we are willing to grow, they will lead us. They are only waiting for us to pause...and ask the way...and listen. Such are the ways of angels." ~Karen Goldman~The Angel Book,Simon & Schuster, 1998.

Please feel free to forward this message to anyone you think might benefit from it. As always, I send my Blessings, thank you for being part of Trinity Angels.

Also, keep in mind that Trinity now offers live, personal angel readings. Simply go to the site and click on the link that says, "Ask for an Angel Reading".

Love to all,

Trinity Angels