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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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:) Multiple prayer requests..

For what ever reason, I am drawn to ask for your prayers.... I am not sure why these folks are calling to my heart....

For G & T, Steve & Leslie, Lady, Laura.....
Dan, Sandi, Sandy, Mike & Laura, Gooch, Louie....
Chris... Bengal...

For all of these folks, please pray for their safety, health, with hope, love and clarity... and to the ones listed above, please ask that these loved ones contact me to let me know they are ok.... And that I think about them....

and for a very special person... Get on that Bus and contact me!!!!

I know this is a bit self serving, but life has stalled, and it would be reassuring for me if I knew these folks were ok....

With love and thanks for all...
Alleluia, he is risen.... He is risen indeed!!!

Re: :) Multiple prayer requests..

Consider it done girlfriend

Amen Amen Amen!!!!

Re: :) Multiple prayer requests..

Please pray for me I am laid off from my job. I would like to dedicate my life to doing Gods work. So am asking for your prays that I get the job god desires for me. I just purchase a home this is a gift I gave back to God a place where the Angels can come and work and rest. A place where any of Gods children can seek his help. At one time I was afraid of the gifts that god gave me for I was different I ask that you pray for me that whatever God desires me to do I do it willingly. I like you to pray for my fiance Sal Love that he lets go of his drug and acoholic habits. So we can have the relationship that we so desires. He's putting for the effort. And my children that we grow together physically, spiritually and mentally. I like you to pray that my daughter is safe, happy and does well in school for I know the angels will assist her. I am ready to be a student of the Angels and do Gods work if its Gods will. Pray that the Arch Angels will work with me and guide me for I do believe. I have had and seen so many of Angels even Michael. I have so much to be thankful for pray for me.

Re: :) Multiple prayer requests..TO SHARON


The angels thank you for your dedication and for your patience. Please know you will be guided to the right path and all will be well.

For now, know that this request is seen by many and that you will indeed be prayed for and your intentions will be heard.

With love,

PS--Thank you for sharing your requests with us!