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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~

Welcome to our NEW message forum! Feel free to post questions, angel experiences, general chatter, silly stories, inspirational quotes~Post to your heart's content! You are among friends here!

~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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I have a question?

As the owner of Trinity Angels, I can see who reads and responds etc to this board. I am so curious about the people who read but never post?

Wouldn't it be neat if those of you who READ but don't post, would leave us just a line or two about who you are, and how you found the site?

We are sweet people, I promise. Whatever your questions or statements or suggestions are held in the highest honor.

Come on...introduce yourselves!

We welcome you with open arms!!

With love

Re: Hello

Hi, my name is Brenna and I'm from Kentucky, USA. I am forum moderator of a christian message forum called The Pathfinder, on the Warriors of God website. Hope you can come visit us sometime.

In Jesus,
The Pathfinder

Re: I have a question?

Hi Brenna

Welcome to Trinity and thanks for posting. I'm from Kentucky too!

I'll make a point of visiting your forum
Have a great one!

Re: Re: I have a question?

Hi Alexis,
My name is Donna from Jackson, Mississippi. A friend of mine from the Rainbow Bridge told me about this website, and I am glad she did.

Text: my angel

Re: I have a question?

I have been here a long long time. I am too shy to tell you of me. I want to say..this website is good. I visit every day.

Thank you


Re: I have a question?

Hi all,

Los Angeles, California here. I visit about three times a week and wish more people would start posting their angel experiences or neat spirit experiences. We could all use a big lift a lot of the time and I don't know about you, but this is a topic of interest to a great many people with yours truly at the head of the line!

Thanks for all you do, Alexis
You are a sweetheart.


Re: I have a question?

Hi All,
This is my first time to this site and have already
spent two hours here checking out all of the great
words from people full of life.
I live in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, in an area
called the Gold Country, in Northern California.
I have been the owner or moderator of Message
Boards, and different group systems for about 8 or
9 years. About 90 percent do not post a message. Of
these about 40 percent will after they get to their
comfort level, or when they have something to say.
Please understand however that message boards such
as this one is just as important and sometimes even
more important to those who are to shy to post.
Also, if anyone of them feels a need to post, or
answer one, they will.


Text: Lurking

Re: I have a question?


My name is Kimberly Lemmen and I first ventured into Trinity Angels on September 17, 2004.

I believe I was ~sent~ to this site through Divine Intervention. I had been doing a search through google for "Angel Inspirations" and Trinity Angels came up. I was having a very emotionally low day and I believe my own 'guardian angel', my daughter Amy, gave me the intuition to click on the link that brought me here.

I absolutely love what I have seen of your site during my visits over the last week. I look forward to visiting often and reading and sharing more insights.

Thank you for allowing me to share this moment of your day.

Always, With Laughter,
~~ mommy to Paige, Amy {forever 3} and Adam

Re: Re: I have a question?

Hi I am Doreen. I have just started coming to your site. I believe I was brought here to increase my knowledge.
I believe I was chosen to be a lightworker and now I need to enhance the role of the angelic realm in my life.

Re: I have a question?

Hi, I'm Monte from Monteray, CA. I know this is an old message but I think it's an interesting question and I've learned a lot about some of the people who have posted here.

I also believe I was led here by "Divine Intervention". I visit daily but don't always come here to the board. I always find something new on this site even when it appears it hasn't been updated in a while. I think I actually get sent to the pages that I need to read the most and for that I am very grateful.

I'd like to see this board more active again though.

Re: I have a question?

I used to love to come to this place years ago when the board was active. Seemed like whenever I wanted to smile or needed some information, someone was always ready to help. Now I look and there is never anything posted on here.

I think you should put something in your newsletter about this board and get people to start writing again. I've contributed to other boards but I have never ever found the people to be as nice and as fun as they were here.

~Just my two cents worth from Cincinnati, Ohio.