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Re: Have you see The PASSION of Christ yet? What did you think?

Hiya Marty

Yes, I saw the movie on Sunday with a group of friends and my 14 year old daughter. I had to watch through my hands because I couldn't handle the scourging. At first I was really angry about the violence but now, I believe this IS what Jesus went through or perhaps the best interpretation I've ever witnessed.

I was irritated at the ending because I wanted to see MORE of the resurrection but after contemplation, I realize that if Mel Gibson had done that, I would have come away from the movie on a high and that was NOT the intention of this movie. It was to make us think and feel and realize what Jesus did for us, what suffering he endured.

I have thought of little else SINCE Sunday and though I swore on that day I would NEVER watch it again....I know I will buy it when it comes out and replay it many times.

For me, it's strengthened my love for Jesus and renewed a bond we once shared. I will be at Mass on Sunday and what's more, I'll be taking a bunch of friends.

Thanks for a GREAT question Martin
I'm interested to hear from others who saw the movie.
With love

Re: Have you see The PASSION of Christ yet? What did you think?

I cannot believe people have not responded to this question. I saw the movie and Lex, I had the same reaction as you did. It was really painful to watch and the people around me sobbed but I also believe this is close to what must have happened. I DO wish they would have shown more of his miracles, but it was an excellent movie that I will buy and cherish.

It was a good question. Why aren't people talking?


Re: Have you see The PASSION of Christ yet? What did you think?

Hi Martin,
I just saw the movie. And it had such a POWERFUL impact. The fact that the lost are now found and accepting him is wonderful. I will never forget this movie and plan on buying it. I will have a diffent impact on Easter now, more meaning i believe.

Text: my angel