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Re: Need Help...!!!

((((Sweet one))))

I'm sorry to hear you are having trouble at work. Arch Angel Uriel is the angel who can help you with this. Simply call out to him and ask him to help you find the knowledge you need. Arch Angel Michael can help you with your courage.

I suspect you do know what you are doing, you just lack the confidence you need in order not to panick. Usually when I find myself in a situation where I feel I am about to have a panick attack, I start repeating a mantra. The one I use is, "Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place my Trust in Thee". I just repeat that to myself over and over again and soon enough, the feeling has passed.

Remember to say thank you in advance as well.

I will pray with you that the job becomes less stressful for you, however you have to pray too. (I suspect there will be loads of others reading this message and they will add their prayers as well and before you know it, things will be wonderful for you).

The power of prayer can and will work miracles. All you have to do is believe.

Keep us posted dear Zapata,
Love and Blessings to you

Re: Re: Need Help...!!!

Thank you very much...!!!! As soon as I read the response I start feeling more confortable...!!!!!!

Will keep you posted...!!!

Re: Re: Re: Need Help...!!!

Not to worry Zapata, you are being prayed for this very minute! Everything is going to be just fine!

With love,