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Blessings For Patty

Let's all keep Patty in our thoughts and prayers this weekend and especially Monday when she will be burying her father. Patty has lost her mother, her husband and her father in the span of six months. Although she's handling things remarkably well, let's still keep her in our prayers. This cannot be easy.

We love you Patty!

Re: Blessings For Patty

Dear Patty,

I know nothing anyone can say will ease your grief, so all I want to say is that my prayers are with you and pray that our Lady will hold you in her arms and comfort you. God bless you.

Your sister in Christ,

Angels watching over you Patty

My dearest Patty,
I am so very sorry for your loss. I think you just needed more angels in heaven watching over you. You will truely be surrounded by them now. I send you my prayers and blessings of peace.
Love, Turquoise Angel