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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~

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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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Note: Regarding the Mailing list

Hi all!

If you have not received the November issue of the TA newsletter, chances are you were inadvertently dropped from the list when I switched us over to professional services.

You will need to go back to and find the yellow "Join our mailing list" box in the middle of the page. WHEN you enter your email address another box will pop up asking you to select which publications you would like to receive. There are four:

1)Monthly Newsletter
2)Monthly Angel Message
3)Monthly Book recommendations & pans
4)Prayer Chain.

IF you were on the old mailing list and you do not go back and OPT into the prayer will not be receiving prayer requests any more.

Also, please remember that when you DO sign on to the mailing list publications, you will receive a confirmation email that YOU MUST REPLY TO, otherwise you will not be added.

It is illegal for me to add your email address to the list without your permission, therefore, you are sent a confirm email asking you to reply. This way, I know YOU are the person who is requesting to be on the list.

Thanks and have a great day!
Hope to see you ALL signing up!
With love

PS--If you are confused or have questions about this, please drop me an email and I'll be happy to help you.