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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~

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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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NEW letter coming!!!!

Hi all

Within the next few days, if you are a subscriber to the TA newsletter, you will fin something SO NEW in your mailbox you will question HOW long this has been in the works!

Not only will you have the option of receiving the ALL NEW newsletter, you can also receive two other monthly publications...the first is solely for book reviews...I receive so many new books to read and have so many others that I just LOVE to read, I decided if you are like me, an avid reader, you may enjoy my take on these books. Each will come with two WONDER books and ONE ICK book....

Secondly, I have finally gotten back to my angels. They report they would like to offer each of you a monthly message. Perhaps it will be something JUST for you or perhaps it will be a general one knows. I only hope, if you haven't joined the mailing list yet, you will take advantage.

AND if you are ALL READY a member...why not subscribe to the two new ones?

It's all free and it will be leading to more...that's for sure.

With love