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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~

Welcome to our NEW message forum! Feel free to post questions, angel experiences, general chatter, silly stories, inspirational quotes~Post to your heart's content! You are among friends here!

~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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Hi all!

Hi angels!
Just so you are aware, this forum has been password protected. It appears some gremlins are trying to have some fun on this board and I believe it's inappropriate for the theme of Trinity which is love and light (and of course, silliness).

Anyone who signs in may read the posts but may not post unless they have the correct password. I have sent this password to most of you. Please do not share it. If I've missed someone, feel free to email me and I'll be happy to give it to you.

To the Gremlins: PLEASE keep in mind, I have the IP addresses and the hosts for anyone who writes in this forum or to me. It's silly to pretend you are anonymous unless you really ARE someone anonymous.

So anony nony and Joshua and anonymous3...sorry for the inconvenience but you will not be allowed back into this forum. It's sad that it has to be this way. If you attempt to post here or anywhere on Trinity Angels again, I will expose your true identities.

To everyone else..I'm sorry about this inconvenience!

With love,