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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~

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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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Hi Everyone,

Did you see us in the Angelic Times Society page? We were the heardline article of all the Halloween Parties.

I just could not believe it. I just had to go outside and do a few ayleron rolls. You know how I am when I get excited.

Now I think we should plan the next one for Thanksgiving. . We already know that the Turkey will be the special guest and main event. But Mr. Pumpkin will be coming as well.

I will have to consider what I am going to wear to this party considering Alexis won the best costume prize at Halloween. Although I was happy to see her win, I was ever so envious of her. She got to dance with Frankenstein you know and he did not ask me. Oh well.

Patty got the cutiest costume award. Wingie got the silliest and whats his name ( I forgot his name) got the goofiest award .

Well all in all, what a day and what a party. See you all soon.
Love, Turquoise Angel