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~Messages From Trinity Angels!~
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Halloween Party

Happy Halloween to all the angels at Trinity.

Tomorrow is the Halloween Party. I am waiting to hear who is coming. I have my orange chiffon dress, green wings, and golden halo already for the event. I am so excited I can hardly stand it. The Pumpkins said they will come and perform for us, doing all their special songs and dances. . The good green witch from the north said she would be the MC. Mr. Frankenstein said he would make a guest appearance and serve our dinnner. He also said he would have a suprise for us . We will let all the vampires, nonsters, aliens, and zombies watch from outside our picture window to see what fun angels can have.

Don't forget that I will be bringing angel dust, sparklers, and the apple cider for my contribution to the party.

See you tomorrow and Happy Halloween

Love, Turquoise Angel
PS The opening for my angel exhibition will be at the Tucson Airport tomorrow. It is from 10am to 2pm. Hope to see you all there. At least in spirit!

Re: Halloween Party

Oh dear TQ...I think we each bought the same dress! I will have to quickly decide whether to wear my traditional Halloween outfit, which is simply my long white robe with golden trim, my white gossomar wings and my shiney golden tiara ! OR I could opt to be more creative and dress as my most favorite angel, Gabriel. I'm not sure I'll feel like carrying around that horn all night though...hmmmm I think I will just keep my costume a big surprise .

Since you last wrote there have been some additions to the guest list and yes, getting a headstart on his holidaty Mr. Gobble Himself !

Merlin and Genie will be performing for us and they have each promised to grant us one wish! Hmmmm, I am just not sure what to wish for this year...

Oh and the food list is rapidly growing...we'll be bobbing for apples of course, sipping on champagne while nibbling , , cookies and my favorite!!! Pizza . Not to worry, I have not forgotten the MOST important desert at our party....the angel food cake

Be sure and bring your as there will be loads of guests in funny costumes! And the Angel Gazette reporters will be there to do a big article for the Angelic Times! Can't wait to see you there!
