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This posting area is currently for the sole purpose of being used to organize and post information on the 2005 NorthWest TagFest Event which will be held on April 1st & 2nd.   Note that this posting area is used for different purposes at different times.

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Re: Question for those who were at TagFest

Some great ideas here. I like the idea of a Friday event before Tag Fest that could be used for Older players (Late teens and up) and custom gear. Maybe one LARP conetst and a few head to head matches. Perhaps an unlimited contest as well to inspire custom builders to push the envelope and use there imagination. Then use Saturday as a general Tag Fest day.

Mike Yates

Re: Question for those who were at TagFest

I think Friday for adult only and Saturday for everyone

That means set up thursday night or early friday AM to be ready to play at noon on friday

I do not mind playing with kids 14 and older, the younger ones are a bit annoying after a few hours, but I love the enthusiasm and energy, plus it means more targets.

I would love more military simulation gaming
meaning fewer tags to get out (like 2 or 3, this gives and advantage to the good hunter who gets the 1st shot in) The games with 10 or 15 tags are a bit annoying)

Also games with more respawns during the games. This goes well with the few tags to get out idea as you can get back in the action with only a 2-3 minute "penalty" for getting tagged.

also Less "down time" while there is daylight burning, I am sure we all agree on that one.

to summerize

games of 30-60 minutes in length
progressively increasing detail and game features (medic, multiple objectives, etc)
few tags to get out
multiple respawns
10-15 minutes of rest between games

Peter Montgomery