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This posting area is currently for the sole purpose of being used to organize and post information on the 2005 NorthWest TagFest Event which will be held on April 1st & 2nd.   Note that this posting area is used for different purposes at different times.

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Re: Reviews

Well I got more out of tag fest this year than last. I did not play as much but I met a lot of really cool people and learned a lot about the tag and Hasbro and all sorts of things I would have never known before. I went home with a big smile on my face. I think it was the only part of me that did not hurt.

Seeing how Wilsonville is somewhat local we could have a secong event later in the year that would be an adult only theme. Or maybe more like older teens and up? I spoke with Tom Baker and he told me of some new thingy he made that sounds just like what we need for LARPS. Maybe we could get ahold of Tom and Alex and plan for them to come out later this year?

Just an idea and I am not going to push it. I know it takes a lot to set up events even on a small scale.