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Re: Introduce yourselves!

Many thanks Dave!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hello I'm Paul C, live near to Fareham in Hampshire, went to the Roadhouse had a great night have received the new album in the post loving it already, been following FM since 1986, what a fab band and now I've got to meet them after all these years of interest found them to be great guys!!!
Am also singer in Southampton based rock covers band called HOTROD SMILE on facebook check our dates and if you livein the Southampton area feel free to come to one of our gigs.. See you all at the O2 in Islington in July have got tickets and looking forward to it!!! P.s. better mention the wife who got the tickets we have been married 21 years in April!! [8-)]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi All,
My name's Aly and I live near Bolton. Was a big fan of FM back in the day and think I saw them live about three times..(memory a bit hazy because much Jack Daniels has been consumed since then!!) I remember getting into FM when I used to go to the rock clubs in Wigan and Manchester. Met the guys at a signing in Warrington years back. I LOVE the Indiscreet album. Didn't know that the guys were back together until this week when I heard a familiar voice on Radio 2 (we have the music piped into our place of work so could never catch whether it was FM or not, finally got the other half to shazam the tune and hey presto....there it was, FM and Hollow!! I immediately came home and played some of those wonderful tracks that I loved so much. Talk about reliving my youth, feel bad about neglecting them but they are back and they're on my ipod and now have the new album. Hopefully will get to see you live sometime soon [:D]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Aly welcome back. Enjoy the rediscovery!!!!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Suppose i'd better throw something into the ring, seeing as though i keep chipping in on conversations all over the show for the last year!!

I'm Paul, 41, live in North Manchester with my partner Dawn....
First saw FM way back in 85/86 supporting Magnum and that was it, i was hooked. Met the boys outside the Apollo and they signed the programme and I have now seen the boys on approximately 40 + occasions, need to check ticket stubs.... but want to make it the big 50 next year... Have virtually all of the early stuff on 7", 12", picture disc, CD.. i went overboard!!

Took Dawn for her first FM experience to Manchester a few weeks ago and she loved it, particularly thenewer stuffand we were lucky enough to get to meet and greet again. I told her to bow in front of Rock Royalty and she looked at me funny like women do sometimes... needless to say she didn't bow.... heathen!

Music tastes, whilst always a ROCKER, tastes are somewhat diverse... FM, Zep, Clutch, Romeo's Daughter, Metallica, Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd, Airbourne, AC/DC etc...
Used to play in my own band, '67 Kung Fu Eskimos' and rivalled Juppy on the sticks!! well, ahem, my mum said i was good anyway!!! [:-?]
you'llprobably have heard of the band!! no? oh well all in my imagination how good we were going to be then......
actually sold my kit a few years ago and cried when it went!! the fella who bought it, bought it for his son and asked me to set it up and show him what goes where and so he could take picture of it to show his son. He asked me to play and i did and the moment i hit the first beats i thought " what the hell am i doing selling my kit?" anyway, its gone now and it was nearly as old as me!

It's been nice to chat with all those i've chatted with so far and i'm sure i've started to put names to faces whilst at meet n greets and gigs over the past 6 months or so. be them FM or Romeo's Daughter shows.. none of you know me yet or have seen my face yet... q evil laugh.....

i'll keep chipping away in that Fantasy Football league....and i'll keep on rocking and playing air drums like the mildly eccentric person i am.

farewell & adieu to you fair spanish ladies....[:)s]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

I'm Chris, Shildon COunty Durham just joined here.!st saw FM at NEwcastle. Only been into band since June. ALways knew the name but neva knew any stuff. Just got there ebst of, new album and DVD. Hope to c em again ASAP

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Welcome Chris and belated welcome Paul C!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Welcome Chris and belated welcome Paul C!

Thanks. Am sure i will bump into u sumtime at a gig. What you do for the band?

Re: Introduce yourselves!

What do I do? Not a lot Chris, mainly nag them a lot, I'm good at that!

Here's to lots more gigs in the future [CoolYa]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

I’ve just discovered this forum so I thought I’d drop in and introduce myself. Sorry if this turns into a bit of a ramble.

I’m Marty, married to Sue, and we live in Swindon which doesn’t have a lot going for it other than it has great road links to virtually anywhere in the country, which is convenient for getting to gigs. I work as an IT project manager by day and as a photographer most evenings and weekends.

Unlike most of you I guess, I’m a fairly new convert to FM – in fact until a couple of years ago I’d never even heard of the band. Let me explain…

I’m 51 now which means I’ve been around a while, and I was a big rock fan in the mid to late 70’s (my teens and then into my twenties). The New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWOBHM) was a very big part of my life and I saw live and bought albums of lots of the bands of that era – heavy, melodic, classic, progressive, in fact any kind of music as long as it was ROCK.

That continued into the Eighties, although in those days it was much more difficult to follow your favourite bands. There was no internet, and Sounds and Kerrang were the ONLY available means of getting intel on the bands I liked or of finding out about new bands. The radio and TV were full of new wave, new romantic, electronic pop (yuck!). Then along came grunge and that killed any melody in rock music, and with it my interest. It was also about the time my career in IT was getting pretty hectic, so from the late 80’s onwards I listened to very little new music. Apart from my favourite band Rush and a few other selected fav’s, my world of music became very small for several years. My wife Sue still followed a lot of bands, many of whom I hadn’t heard of or knew nothing about, but I rarely went with her to gigs during that time.

Then, into the 2000’s I started to become re-acquainted with bands like Journey and Heart etc, and finding out about new (to me anyway) artists like Jeff Scott Soto and Danny Vaughn.

Sue had helped set up and run the UK Journey fan club and dragged me in, and as I was a budding amateur photographer at the time I managed to blag a photo pass for a side project Journey’s Neal Schon was playing in with JSS – a band called Soul SirkUS. I posted the resulting pics on the Journey forum and was astonished to get a personal email from JSS saying how much he loved the photos. That was in 2004 and there and then I decided I wanted to be a concert photographer. A couple of years later JSS actually joined Journey for a while, and introduced me and my photography to the rest of the band members, with whom I’ve had an ongoing working relation ship ever since. That contact has proven very fruitful as it led to working with Danny Vaughn (who supported Journey) to The Illegal Eagles (who Danny Vaughn and Chris Childs were in) to Thunder (Chris Childs again) to The Union (started by Thunder’s Luke Morley) as well as many others. Along the way I’ve met and befriended many bands and artists, some of whom were idols from my past and some of whom I’ve encountered for the first time.

Now, I’m photographing bands more or less every week, my interest in ALL kinds of rock music has been fully re-awakened and I go to gigs wherever and whenever I can. It does help that my photography has opened lots of doors to meet and become friends with many of the people I photograph. But I always say that if I wasn’t at a gig taking pictures I’d probably still be at the gig but wondering what to do with my hands.

Unfortunately, there is that hole in my rock music experience, of about 10-15 years, from the late 80’s to about 2000, where I was completely oblivious to any new bands starting during that time. That includes FM, as well as Tyketto, Romeo’s Daughter, Airrace and many others – even Thunder – and these are all bands that I have therefore ‘discovered’ for the first time only in recent years. So apologies to all those bands who were around during that time. I wish I’d known about you then, but I’m having great fun discovering you now.

As far as FM are concerned, the first time I saw them, briefly, was in 2007. They were headlining Firefest in Nottingham, and I had a photopass to the festival. Unfortunately I couldn’t stay to the end of the gig due to other commitments, but I’d heard enough to know I liked what I heard. Then they headlined again two years later and this time I was there as the official Firefest photographer so I got to shoot their whole set. I guess the guys must have liked the resulting pics because when they played Download in the Summer they asked me to come along and take more pics. I hope I’ll be able to continue to do so, as they are not only a very photogenic band but a bunch of really nice guys too.

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Welcome to the forum Marty! And thanks for joining us in the chatroom last Sunday. I think I need to see some photographic evidence of you in your NWOBHM days [:)s]

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