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Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi everyone,
saw the thread and thought it was also time for me to shout Helloooooooo.

im Andy,
40years old from coalville in leicester.
a warehouse bloke for eddie stobart originally nestle here in coalville.
im in my 14th year here so just about got the hang of it.
i aint got no out n out family to call my own only my close family that i love and sometimes get wound up by every now and again but hey! who doesnt and where would we be without them.

right, anyway...
i first got into the mighty FM way back when my great mate john shoved a copy of the tough it out album in my hand and told me to go play it.which i did within probably minutes of getting it. (string of events may differ as times gone by cus the memory is abit shot) LOL

but from that 1st listen to present day, i have remained a massive fan of the band and individual side projects that have taken place.

what i can just remember is seeing FM on stage at rock city nottingham way back in the early 90's i think it was. (so wish i had a better brain!)LOL

i remember after the gig, waiting for the band to come out and say hi, eventually, cold and tired, we got our wish. had a fantastic relaxed chat and a laugh with them all,, except didge whome earlier drove off in his little ford fiesta i think it was (Rock n Roll)..NOT!!!
and i always remember the tour bus being jam packed with cans of budweiser, which i guess is abit of a strange memory to have when you wait forever to see your heros!!lol.
but that amongst many things just added to my overall love of the band from that 1st listen to T.I.O and Indiscreet to right now, waiting for Metroplolis. my love has never gone away
and seeing the band last sunday at the reunion gig in covent garden just got me BURNING MY HEART DOWN again and reignighted my faith in great british melodic rock.

lots of memories and good times attached to FM
and i have to say a big thanx to the guys for making the music and also to my pal john that introdced me to them in the 1st place.

take care all.
Andy B[:|][:-D]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi everyone. My name's Jo, but I answer to pretty much everything. Live in London (best city in the world) and if I tell you what I do for a living, you'll all kill me!!

I've been in and around rock music of all types pretty much since I was a teenager (and no, I'm not saying when that was!) The first time I really came to realise that I was a rocker through and through was listening to Meatloaf's Bat Out of Hell on my mates portable record player! I was hooked.
One night, a mate asked if I'd like to go to a gig... I didn't know what I was letting myself in for. Funny bunch of goodlooking, long haired guys (don't tell him I said that!!) who could actually play and went by the name Midnight Blue! They split just after I saw them, and I almost forgot about them!!
Went to see Status Quo in Telford (in the ice rink and all they'd done was cover the ice - its was friggin freezing!!) and became very interested in their support band, FM (I was SURE I recognised that singer... home that night, sift through ticket stubs, phone calls to rock mates the next day, ah yes... that would be Wildfire, seen in the midlands somewhere a few years before when I consumed far to much alchihole!!!)
I began following FM (amongst other bands, including Skin with whom I had the pleasure of working with for a few months in 1998 - their farewell-ish tour
!) and due to friends in clubs was able to meet the guys a couple of times... well, there was this one night in 1992 in London, but we won't go there!! [:))])
Was surprised when Steve and the boys announced a new permie keyboard player in 1994... none other than the long haired lout from years ago, Mr Davis. One of my mates was working as security in the Marquee and I would help out from time to time when the females would get a bit... rowdy (yes, it happened in those days too!!) We were asked to help out at a club in Norwich one night in 1995 and I'd just got to the club when I (literally) tripped over an amp that some daft twit had put right behind me! I begin swearing and then stopped... as the owner of the amp turned out to be Mr Davis!! I turned the swearing into stuttering and salvaged what's left of my dignity by picking up the amp and asking "well where'd'ya want this then?" For the rest of that tour (which turned out sadly to be the farewell tour - or so we thought!!), when shifts allowed, and if the gig was in the south of england, I'd be there plugging and unplugging cables, lifting boxes and supplying more alchihole! Because Jem likes to set up his own keys (understandably) it was normally my job to secure the beer whilst everyone else was running around like blue-arsed-flies!!!! (The afternoon sitting on the bus outside the Southend Esplanade waiting for someone with keys was hysterically funny... NOT!)
That was a long time ago... although following the Roadhouse, it seems like yesterday!!
I've made a lot of friends through music over the years, but that night at the Roadhouse was something special... without being overemotional, it felt like coming home (and I have to thank Jem, Steve C and Smudge for that!)
Long live decent bloody rock music that lifts the soul, makes us forget that real life can be shitty sometimes and makes us feel gooood!!

Oh, and guys (FM) keep going this time, or I'm going to get really peed off!!! [:)]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Welcome to the forum Andy and Jo!

Agreed, the Roadhouse was indeed a very special night, one I don't think any of us will ever forget. You know what? In so many ways it was like coming home for me too, and I don't mind getting overemotional about it, I think everyone expects that from me by now! [:D]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi my name is Kim and I was born in West London.

My favourite FM album is 'Aphrodisiac'.

I first heard about FM when I heard the single ‘Frozen Heart’ being played on the radio in 1985 and thought who’s that? I immediately bought the ‘Indiscreet’ album on vinyl and the cassette for the car.

My first FM gig was at the Astoria in 1989. The second was at Hammersmith Odeon on the 3rd of November 1989 also for the ‘Tough It Out Tour’. I also asked a couple of friends to come along and they were instantly converted FM fans. Finally I saw them on the 2nd of March 1992 for the ‘Takin’ It to the Streets Tour’. I didn’t see them again until 17 years later at the Roundhouse this year.

In between the FM reunion I had seen Steve and Pete’s band ‘SO’ and their covers band in London. I also went to see Merv’s Slaves and Andy’s band the Barnstormers with Doogie White. I always hoped FM would reunite but I never really thought it would ever happen. Unfortunately I missed the first reunion gig at Firefest but made it to the Roadhouse and found it so emotional to see them again after all these years.

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Glad to hear you enjoyed the Roadhouse & a big friendly welcome to you from 'the twisted rabble' that exist on this site.[:D]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Many thanks Dave!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hello I'm Paul C, live near to Fareham in Hampshire, went to the Roadhouse had a great night have received the new album in the post loving it already, been following FM since 1986, what a fab band and now I've got to meet them after all these years of interest found them to be great guys!!!
Am also singer in Southampton based rock covers band called HOTROD SMILE on facebook check our dates and if you livein the Southampton area feel free to come to one of our gigs.. See you all at the O2 in Islington in July have got tickets and looking forward to it!!! P.s. better mention the wife who got the tickets we have been married 21 years in April!! [8-)]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi All,
My name's Aly and I live near Bolton. Was a big fan of FM back in the day and think I saw them live about three times..(memory a bit hazy because much Jack Daniels has been consumed since then!!) I remember getting into FM when I used to go to the rock clubs in Wigan and Manchester. Met the guys at a signing in Warrington years back. I LOVE the Indiscreet album. Didn't know that the guys were back together until this week when I heard a familiar voice on Radio 2 (we have the music piped into our place of work so could never catch whether it was FM or not, finally got the other half to shazam the tune and hey presto....there it was, FM and Hollow!! I immediately came home and played some of those wonderful tracks that I loved so much. Talk about reliving my youth, feel bad about neglecting them but they are back and they're on my ipod and now have the new album. Hopefully will get to see you live sometime soon [:D]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Aly welcome back. Enjoy the rediscovery!!!!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Suppose i'd better throw something into the ring, seeing as though i keep chipping in on conversations all over the show for the last year!!

I'm Paul, 41, live in North Manchester with my partner Dawn....
First saw FM way back in 85/86 supporting Magnum and that was it, i was hooked. Met the boys outside the Apollo and they signed the programme and I have now seen the boys on approximately 40 + occasions, need to check ticket stubs.... but want to make it the big 50 next year... Have virtually all of the early stuff on 7", 12", picture disc, CD.. i went overboard!!

Took Dawn for her first FM experience to Manchester a few weeks ago and she loved it, particularly thenewer stuffand we were lucky enough to get to meet and greet again. I told her to bow in front of Rock Royalty and she looked at me funny like women do sometimes... needless to say she didn't bow.... heathen!

Music tastes, whilst always a ROCKER, tastes are somewhat diverse... FM, Zep, Clutch, Romeo's Daughter, Metallica, Sex Pistols, Pink Floyd, Airbourne, AC/DC etc...
Used to play in my own band, '67 Kung Fu Eskimos' and rivalled Juppy on the sticks!! well, ahem, my mum said i was good anyway!!! [:-?]
you'llprobably have heard of the band!! no? oh well all in my imagination how good we were going to be then......
actually sold my kit a few years ago and cried when it went!! the fella who bought it, bought it for his son and asked me to set it up and show him what goes where and so he could take picture of it to show his son. He asked me to play and i did and the moment i hit the first beats i thought " what the hell am i doing selling my kit?" anyway, its gone now and it was nearly as old as me!

It's been nice to chat with all those i've chatted with so far and i'm sure i've started to put names to faces whilst at meet n greets and gigs over the past 6 months or so. be them FM or Romeo's Daughter shows.. none of you know me yet or have seen my face yet... q evil laugh.....

i'll keep chipping away in that Fantasy Football league....and i'll keep on rocking and playing air drums like the mildly eccentric person i am.

farewell & adieu to you fair spanish ladies....[:)s]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

I'm Chris, Shildon COunty Durham just joined here.!st saw FM at NEwcastle. Only been into band since June. ALways knew the name but neva knew any stuff. Just got there ebst of, new album and DVD. Hope to c em again ASAP

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