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Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi Dave! My name is Robert Perry and I have been a fan of FM since I saw them support REO Speedwagon, and I too saw them support Gary Moore.

That was at the Hammy O (or Apollo as it's known these days) and I was delighted when Phil Lynott joined Gary on stage.

Was that the same show you were at?

I was lucky enough to have met Pete Jupp at their headline show at the old Marquee Club. There I was, a 17 year old spotty git, sitting alone and waved hello to Pete as he was walking by, and to my astonishment he sat down and took the time to have a few words with me. No ego whatsover. Made my day!

And when FM supported Magnum I had an excellent conversation with Didge Digital at Guildford Civic Halls after they soundchecked with American Girls.

I remember he laughed when I asked him his real name and said I found it hard to beleive that loving parents would name their son Didge.

Pete also gave me a pair of drum sticks. Top man!

Great memories.

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Good one Dave.

My name is Bo Braendstrup, 46 years old,
and from Denmark.
I'm single, and have no kids.
Not looking for any of the kind, btw.
Working at the Technical University of Denmark,
the Space department. (yes: SPACE, like ESA and NASA).
I'm the electronics guy who tells students where to buy, how to buy, and how to solder things together.
Or I buy/order for them.
Printed circuit boards are a part of my shop too.
I'm also the guy who tells students "No, that won't work" when their teachers tells them "find out".


Re: Introduce yourselves!

crikey there are a lot of miserable sods that do not want to post on this thread or do you all have 'history' that you'd rather not publicise![:D]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

YUP!! [:))][:))]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Seriously tho... I'm Tom, from the north east, (County Durham) I'm 39 and have worked in the care sector (Autism, mental health, learning disabilities etc....)in various organizations for about 16 years now.

I also DJ part time too, have had residencies in various clubs and bars, mainly in the Sunderland area, I also DJ at any private parties that will have me! (Unashamed plug time......check out my website -

I am commitment shy, (a confirmed batchelor), but I do love the ladies!! I also have an 18 year old son called James Brown (no. seriously!) who I love more than anything.

I love music of every description (I have DJ'ed at rock, punk, gay, jazz, pop, r & b, reggae nights....) but what the kids are now calling classic rock (it was quite new when I first liked it!!) is my fave!

I first discovered the magnificent FM around 1986 and have loved them ever since!

Look forward to meeting you crazy bunch at Firefrest!![:)s][:)s]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Come on!

Dave_T, Robert Perry, Tom Richardson
and Bo Braendstrup (that's me!) simply
can't be the only ones ready to
give some of it away!

You can be as brief as you want.
Or as in-depth (yawn!) as you want.

Something like (I'll rewrite my own post):

: Hi, I'm 46, male, from Denmark, working at
: a University.
: I also like trains and spacecraft.
: Known FM since 1994-ish.

will do nicely. [:)]

Just country/part of UK, profession
(no details needed, ie. "construction" will do),
gender and age group. [:)s]
Oh - and when you learned about FM.

We already are a nice bunch (says Steve O.),
a crazy bunch (says Tom),
let's become a nice, tightly knitted crazy bunch!

/Bo Braendstrup.

Hope to see as many of you
as possible in Nottingham. [8-)]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Afternoon all - thought I should join the few !

James Kershaw, sadly now 40, married with two kids (6 year old twins) - originally from Leicester, now in West Midlands.

First saw FM supporting Gay Moore at Leicester's De Montfort Hall in (I think) September 1985, then the first headline show I saw was at the Princess Charlotte Pub in Leicester in early 1986 (again I think).

Saw loads of shows with Chris O on guitar (20 or more at a guess) - and only 3 or 4 with Andy (not the same for me I'm afraid - although I do love the Aphrodisiac album), and one now with Jim at the college !

Coupe of quick memories, Marquee club in London two fantastic Christmas shows in 1986, several shows at a Club in Burton on Trent - particularly one where after watching England play football on TV with the band in the bar before the show, left down some dodgy spiral stairs at the back of the club after the show (and drinks) with them, only to lose my footing and was very grateful to Pete for grabbing me before falling down the rest of the way ! Also the Tough it Out tour where I saw 7 or 8 shows and met some great people along the way, particularly in Oxford as I remember for some reason.

The band were always great with us fans - still are if the recent college show is anything to go by, and most FM fans are a great bunch too, even if we are getting on in years now - as Pete said to me in March seeing some old faces there is like an old school reunion after 24 years now !

Originally a Banker by trade, now work as Director of International Sales for a US credit card processing company - but still love my music and concerts - hope to be at Firefest later in the year, it will do well to top last time, but no doubt the boys will.

Cheers, James

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hey all

I'm Ant, I am married with a 17 year old step-son and a 3 year old daughter. I work at Winstanley College as the Web Services Manager and I have done this for nearly 10 years now.

FM were the first band I saw live supporting Status Quo at the GMEX in Manchester, I was 16 at the time.

I remember arriving late at the gig due to a coach load of Quo fans wrecking the vehicle, but once I arrived I was hooked on Stiv's voice and Andy's, Merv's and Pete's showmanship. They totally blew Quo off stage...

I then decided to purchase anything FM I could the following day, I was totally hooked!

I spent the following years up until the bands split attempting to watch them whenever and wherever I could. Plenty of times dragging my mates around, bombing around in our Mini 850's.

Great moments include gigs at Colne Municipal Hall, an after show drink at Burnley Mechanics and long chats with the band at Preston's Aquaduct Mill.

I fondly remember buying Pete a pint at Maximes in Wigan, and while he sat drinking with us we were all too shy to say anything and Pete drank his drink and left...We were all a bit starstruck and in awe.

Removing my shyness happened at one of the bands famous acoustic gigs at Southport Manhatten Nights. I was absolutely leathered and positioned myself at the front, Andy quite often would hand me the mic to sing along in a drunken state.

The guys were always great to the fans, and to me that was so much of the appeal. No egos, great hard working guys who always put on an incredible show. And I would champion the band continously.

This is how the Frozenheart website came about. The band were no more and the internet had really started taking off, so I really wanted to create a place that FM fans could call their own. Add photos and share their memories. I am very proud of the success of Frozenheart, in a way it kept their name going in their absence. And in a way I hope it offered a little encouragement to the band to make their comeback.

There were also many many nights spent chatting to Dave T on the phone, working out how to get the boys back on stage (as he has mentioned earlier). We never realised that eventually they would come back to write a new album too!

After I gave the site to Craig (who has certainly done an incredible job), I was incredibly proud to see FM t-shirts worn by fans at Firefest IV. That was incredible for me.

Also thanks to that site, I have gotten to know the band personally over the past 2-3 years and I can now call each member a personal friend of mine.

I continue to work hard for the band but now in a more pro-active way. After creating the multimedia for the screens at Firefest IV, I am now involved extremely heavily in a lot the band are working on. And it's a huge buzz and an absolute honour.

Setting up and arranging the Winstanley College gig was also a fantastic buzz. The thrill of hearing that FM's allocation had sold out in 15 mins and people were travelling to the college from as far out as Denmark, Finland and Dubai!! Everyone worked so hard on the project and although mistakes were made, it wes a great success.

Then there was the video shoot in Crewe the other week, everything went so well. I had great help with the direction to the lights to the actual filming from a fantastic crew. And I am now heavily involved in the editing to get it all ready for its release.

I have enjoyed it so much infact, that I am hopeful I can use my skills working with other bands and artists...I mean is there anything better than working with your passion (mine being music)??

My blogs, twitter details and my prices [:)s] can be found at

Roll on October may see me buzzing around Rock City with a you may get interviewed (yes another project).

Re: Introduce yourselves!

My thanks to both James K. and Ant.
Just what I wanted to see.
Anybody else? [8-)]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi peeps, a few of you know me from the other forums....
Simon, 39 (well will be in a few weeks) from a little town called Boston in Lincolnshire.
Recently worked for the MOD in air traffic mainly doing the weather and telling the pilots where their bombs landed (a target range for aircraft)
Now work for a water authority for flood defence.
Also had a computer business for many years, now like to buy and sell bits n bobs!

Love cars and bikes and been known to play a little cricket.

Fell in love with FM when Tough it Out was released and like most fans bought every piece of material I could lay my grubby little mits on. Saw them first in Rock City and countless other gigs,

Currently in my car cd player I have, Sting, Aphrodisiac, Firefest live, Incubus, Toto and ABBA (yes ABBA!)

Live with my long standing G/friend of 18years no kids just a new collie pup, we love our animals.

Right back to my Whiskey,


Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hey there's nothing wrong with ABBA - they're the best popgroup ever![8-)] I used to be big fan when I was younger, and when I saw the trailer of Mamma Mia @ movies I started to cry (I went to see the movie 4 times at the movies - haven't even count how many times I have seen it on DVD)

Okay, the introducion part!

I'm Ede, 28 year old girl from Finland and besides music the biggest passion in my life is Africa and it's wildlife. I have studied to be a zookeeper and have worked on three zoos. Now I'm working as a post officer: I like it but I still have my dream that someday I can make tv documentaries and be "Jacques Cousteau of Serengeti"[o:)]

I live in Vantaa, right next to capital city Helsinki and I have now one female dog sharing my house with me. I used to have rabbit, 2 cats, few rats and 2 male dogs and I have also worked with horses but I quit when my aunt's horse passed away.

I think I'm still quite "green" when it comes to music, even I have been a fan of Queen, ABBA, Bon Jovi, Def Leppard and ZZ Top: thanks goes to boys from Texas that I found FM! So I bought a ZZ Top tribute album january 2001 and that was it! No need to tell how big impression the first song make, I was hooked! At the time, it was very difficult to get any information, but that didn't stop me.

And what can I say, here I am now![8-)]

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