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Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi Im Dean, Im 42 and from the Rhondda Valleys in South Wales, married to Deb for 15yrs and have 1 daughter.
Followed Fm around the area back in the day from St Davids Hall to Boogiz night club for the Acoustic set and also Bristol Bierkeller a few times.Was luck enough to be at Firefest 4 for the spectacular reformation and will be there again for this years Party [:D][:D]

see you all at the bar.

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Evening All

Tez Durrant, ripe old age of 42, living with girlfriend with one kid (3 year old girl) - Dad was in Navy so moved around a lot , but now in Suffolk.

Introduced to FM by housemate at 2nd year at Hatfield Polytechnic ( 1987 - 1988 ). I think I first saw FM at Hammersmith Odean in 1989 on the Tough It Out tour with the excellent Romeo's Daughter in support ( so Firefest will be like my 20th Anniversary for both FM & Romeos Daughter !!! ). Been to see FM numerous times since then ...

Still wear my Bad Luck t-shirt ( which has seen better days ), as well as the Dead Man's shoes t-shirt.

Work as IT Manager nowadays, and really looking forward to seeing both Romeo's Daughter & FM at Firefest 6.


Cheers, James

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi Phil Burn from Stoke-on-Trent. 38 years old, married and 1 little girl who is nearly 5! Am an Accountant and luckily been doing the numbers thing for 14 years!

My FM story came out of accidentally listening to my cousins music collection. She was really into Ritchie Blackmores Rainbow and Led Zep (which aint a bad thing at all) but one time she made me listen to an album from Magnum called "On a Story-tellers night". Anyway we ended up going to watch Magnum at the Victoria hall in Hanley. You can picture the scene, rockers with tight jeans and leather jackets, mulletts galore, then on comes this band with outfits that looked like designs for Blackpools deckchair range!! Always remember it, sorry guys!!

Then Bang! never ever seen to this day a band win over a crowd like that in 20-30 minutes!!

Immediately hooked, bought indiscreet on vinyl twice as most of my mates from school lent the first copy and played it to death. From then on bought pretty much everything else they released. Saw them on all of there UK tours, memorable ones sneaking in to see them soundcheck and chatting to Chris O, the acoustic tour they played in stafford, speaking to Mr Jupp after a gig in Hanley and the first "comeback" gig at Birmingham for the tough it out album which even though at the start it was a really tense atmosphere, as soon as they came out and played it was fantastic.

Completely gutted when they split up, probably like a lot of us!! Genuienly thought that was it for the band and would just have to make do with the recordings!!

Doubly gutted when they reformed and they were going to do the firefest gig as got married the saturday before and was holed up in a cottage in scotland so couldnt go.

Unable to go the Firefest gig this year(triple gutted) with work stuff, so am hoping (and fingers crossed) they tour the album so i can finally get to see them!!

Really like the new song. Think it captures some of the old stuff but with an up to date sound. Will be good to hear the full version this friday. Big smile on my face!!!


Re: Introduce yourselves!

Still loving this thread, some of these comments jog the old Jupp memory. More, more, more please!!! [:)s]

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Here goes chaps
Name's dippa, a writer of the footballing fraternity, live in splendid isolation in peterborough, or pottyborough as us witty scribes like to call it. Here I spend my days covering a well known football club in the Premier League. Have been covering footie for 25 years and share my not so expansive abode with the lovely Chris (that's 'tine' on the end), son Sam, and the adoringly barmy old dog that is is Molly, now 12 and as grey as Steve O these days.
Have been an FM fanatic since Indiscreet and seeing them play a lovely little haunt in pottyborough. Hooked, line and sinker and seen them all on every tour since. Love all their stuff and it can often be heard, on a balmy (not barmy - although possibly the same) being loudly played at one of my ridiculously rocked out bbqs. Achieved a lifetime ambition, well one of them, when I met the boys to do a football feature for Match magazine. Some talent there, and no not talking about Steve O. Spent most of the time in goal, too knackered and large to run, and took all the gags about my old FM Tough it out sweatshirt from the guys. Job done me and photographer Paul went back to a studio in Islington, I think, 48 lager's later it was impossible to remember, to ahve a drink or eight with the lads, well apart from Merve the Swerve, who had better things to do with his time, it transpired. Steve apparently fell over, we staggered out to get the last train from the X and we've never met since. Been in touch with Mr. Jupp recently and intend to get over to Ealing to get him frazzled on red wine but the job keeps getting in the day soon though Juppy...the new single sounds fantastic and boys are certainly back. Football will keep me away from Firefest and currently writing this from my hotel room in Nicosia, who said football was a glamour life...!
The Dipster...Keep 'on Rocking as Nod often said.

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Welcome Dippa!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Hi everyone
My name's Juliano Mallon, and I've been a fan of FM since 1987, but a huge fan o AOR since 1982. Got my own blog about AOR - (portuguese only...sorry folks!) - and have been following the band's and Mr. Overland's solo endeavours for 22 years now.
Great songs, great memories, great AOR...I just couldn't ask for more...Greetings from Brazil :)

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Welcome Juliano!

Re: Introduce yourselves!

Ello all!

Not too good on the evils of silicone typey things but here goes...

I'm medium-in-the-tooth (39) and I've been singing along and having my spirits lifted by the guys since well before Indiscreet was released! I can't recall who I saw them with first, it may have been BonJovi on the 7800 tour and FM outclassed them song-for-song (for my money at least! but love JBJ and the guys too!). I can still remember the endless weeks scanning kerrang for news of the first album after that first sighting - and what an album! It's been on permanent play ever since. Love all the FM albums along with everything that followed - from SO!, Shadowman, The Ladder and Overland! The closest I got to "meeting" FM was seeing Lindon Connah the keyboard player from SO! at a (ahem) Go West gig - well worth seeing them live too by the way, and the SO! album was criminally under-rated! Jusy heard that I get to go to the meet-and-greet and can't tell you how massively lucky I feel! Best bring some beer money - I owe them all several beers for the years of music they've given me!

Here's to the future!




Re: Introduce yourselves!

We gotta get to the heeeart of the matter!
Heart of the matterrrr!

Ain't no frozen hearts when the speakers are belting out the best![:)s]

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