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Re: used glass

well I got some what of an answer to the used glass question. Although not a direct answer it is as follows. You may not install used glass if it does not meet the criteria set by AGRSS. These are things such as is it damaged in any way, do you know the orgin, etc. It is not a body bonding issue, but a glass bonding issue. If you know for a fact 100% that the urethane on the glass has a perfect bond then it is fine. If you don't your taking the liability for the previous short comings. I really dont see this to be a problem at all for insurance and cash work. As far as a new part not being stocked through your supplier, if you can't get it today or tomorrow either can your competitor. Is there anyone who would rather work with used glass over new if given the choice? I hope this helps clarify things a bit.

Re: used glass

I would definitley rather install a new glass over a used one. I believe the context was "what if used is all we can find?"

I've only ever had this happen once and it was on a door glass in an early 90's model Infiniti.

Re: used glass

Honorable Mention
I hold an alternate seat on the AGRSS council.
The standards are good. They set forth guidelines for the best possible installation of a windshield.
No teeth to back up the bark. Some of the council members themselves do not have their people follow the standards. As in SGC net.
The urethane manufacturers do not hammer home the nuances of using their products for fear of you using someone else’s product. Like primer does not work properly under 40 Temp or in sunlight over 80 Temp.
Independents are leery because if they take the time to do it right and try to charge for the correct installation they will lose jobs to the low-ball slop & droppers who do the job fast for the customer, mobile the install and do it in any weather conditions

Re: used glass

I would say that is a fair assessment SGlass.

Re: used glass

Intresting discussion here. I am a rep for SRP, and even though we adhear to AGRESS. All of our reps are former installers and we all know that all you need to do is reactivate the urethine that is still on the windshield to do a proper set. The only problem that we have is what is sticking to the glass??...df

Re: used glass

As the glass gets more and more complicated ( bonded, atachments etc) and the manufacturers stop making it because of low volume, used glass is the only possibility.

As examples, DB7976 ( 91-95 saturn) or DB8698 ( 94-96 Corvette) are simply not available at this time ( possibly never will be again )

Would you like to tell a guy with a 1996 Corvette to junk it because the backglass is not available new?

I don't think so !

What we need are reasonable guidelines to folow when using used glass.

Re: used glass

As I mentioned they standards do not say you can't use used glass. What the standard says is are you 100% sure of the bonding surface to the glass. This is for our protection not to harm us. As you put in a used (urethane set) piece of glass are you prepared to accept the risk and liability that may follow? This is still the question. As far as parts not being available I have yet to see a part I could not get. I have had some that were near not available, but if you search hard enough they are out there. Now just because I personally have never had the problem I am not saying every part is out there new, but I am saying 99.9% are if you really shop.

Re: used glass


That question about thane preference in re used glass installation is too general because it depends on too many variable circumstances.

As you already well know from the gentlemanly way that you presented the question.

Anyway, those kind of elicited opinions are usually subjective rather than objective in the response.

Kind of goes back into my original suggestion though which directly relates to the original topic.

Don't install used glass unless there isn't ANY alternative!

Or, take the chance of being sued somewhere down the line someday.

In other words...


Re: used glass

I,m not from the US. But how can you be doing anything wrong by fitting a used door glass, quarterlite or rear backlite ?

Used tempered glass is the original factory product, already has dot or e marks, for all to see that all quality standards are met.

If insurance work doesn't specify new, why not use used glass and charge 50-95% of the new genuine price + labour.

Our first option is always to try for used glass, rather than buy from a wholesaler.

Maybe our wholesalers in our country are to expensive on tempered product, forcing us towards used glass.

Does someone mind Emailing me, so it is not in a public forum, what you pay for some glass from your wholeslers. Maybe we are better to buy our glass from US wholesalers.

I would appreciate the help.


Do your wholesalers supply aftermarket encapsulated glass like FQ21746 or only genuine product ?

IRA It is amazing with your population, USA could run out of DB8698 ( 94-96 Corvette). Such a popular car. Surely someone like Mygrant or PPG would just send a sample of and get it reproduced.

Thanks all, Regards John

Re: used glass

2000 Lincoln comes into your shop. It needs a new windshield. It has an original Carlite in it. You pull the windshield out and lo and behold the glass has been changed before. You ask your customer if they know that the glass has been changed before. They respond yes we have had several w/s's put in over the years. Do you trim back the urethane and try to get to the original urethane or tell the customer you couldn't possibly put a glass in their car because you don't know what urethane was used before you got to the car? I think most installers would do the strip and start over. Why can't you do this with a used glass?????

Re: used glass

From here it looks like a bunch of ducks running in a circle because this indutry has no leader! We let the big business dictate to us what we are worth & we let the insurance company's tell us how to install! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE!!!! We need to step out of this circle & tell the company's what is right & what is wrong! We the independents make up 75% of the market! I thought majority rules! You are being controled by either your own stupid monopoly dreams or by signing your life away for a less then fair market divide. The auto manufactures start by stating the facts about the vehicle & that is where conclusions must be set, not by some clown who use to run muffler shops! We already had one attack from 20/20 on faulty installs & one of our own was defaulting the entire industry because he thinks he knows better, so who's ZOOMING WHO!?!??????? IT'S TIME TO WAKE THE @#$%^ UP!

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