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Re: SO!

was it just steve and nigel playing accoustic guitars to a drum machine with large chain links behind them? they played "high" and "chains"?

Re: SO!

Just like a woman rings a bell!

I know Steve did a solo acoustic version of Baby Blue on a program aired on Men & Motors (can't remember program i'm afriad).

The first SO! line-up & tour was pre Nigel Spennywyn, the guitarist was Mark Birch (who new Bob Skeat as they were both playing with Wishbone Ash at the time). Cannot for the life of me remember the original live keyboard player.


Re: SO!

Does anybody have a copy?

Re: SO!

I can remember Pete on the drums and they played about 5 songs I think?

Re: SO!

i remember pete chuckin' a drum stick at the keyboard player, he was doin it wrong i suppose lol

Re: SO!

only jokin dave mate! ya right tho, steve should put all the stuff he records out, but seein as he records shedloads i spose it aint that easy!! overland kirkpatrick stuff should get a proper cd release too. steve? jim? anyone??!

Re: SO!

I got in touch with Jim and he said something along the lines of ...

"At present there's no plans to release any of the Overland Kirkpatrick material. All of the songs have been written with other artists in mind. Hopefully one day they will come out in some form. The thing is, as I'm sure you're aware, you never know with songs what can happen. I could get a real drummer to play on them, send them off for mixing and voila, new album finished. Maybe I should speak to Stiv........"

So there you are, maybe or even maybe not!!!!

Re: SO!

thanks for the input craig, here's hopin eh?! it would take an artist with a fair amount of talent to better the versions of the tracks jim n stiv have recorded but i wholly understand n respect the guys' need to push their product out to a wider audience. much like romeo's daughter having their songs covered by the likes of heart n steps. it earns our top geezers a living n gives the rest of the world some crackin tunes!! it's win/win all the way innit?!

Nigel Spennewyn ( SO! Guitarist ) just been in touch >>>

I have had the pleasure of seeing Nigels 'Covers' band from 1988-1993 ( Around 500 Gigs ! ) ( Stiv / Pete used to be in audience watching them as well ! ) He is a Truely *OUTSTANDING* Guitarist in my humble opionion ..
He just sent me this info :
'We did a twenty minute slot on some new bands programme on Men & Motors. We mimed to 4 or 5 songs. I have it recorded somewhere, but it's really not worth looking at.
For the record...the So! line up was...
Me - Guitar/vocals
Stiv - Vocals/guitar
Pete - Drums/vocals
Bob Skeat - Bass
Lyndon Connah - Keyboards/vocals (live and a bit in the studio)
Charlie Ollins - Keyboards (studio)
Jem Davis - Keyboards (studio on the unreleased 2nd album demoes)

Mark Birch played guitar in the first Steve Overland solo project, but it was not So!, and I don't think they did any of the So! material. I went to see them, but I can't remember what they played. I think a bit more FM stuff, but I could be wrong...thanks for being interested!

I would love to finish the second So! album, but alas, the FM project is well under way '....

Re: SO!

Just because the FM project is back on track doesn't mean that So! is dead. You know how prolific these boys can be when they want to be!!!!

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