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Does bravenet have an advanced editer
Views: 99   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 1:33pm
by Peter
webpage not scrolling down smoothly, all choppy
I have a problem with my home page, it has alot of text on it with 4 pictures spread out throughout the page. what happens as I'm scrolling down the page it just doesn't scroll down smoothly,the page breaks down and shifts as i'm scrolling down,its all choppy and whe...
Views: 104   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 1:20pm
by Peter
Ms. T.
Blocking IP addresses
How do you block someones IP address from viewing your website ? How do I find out Their IP address to do this ? Thanks in Advance !! Ms. T.
Views: 81   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 12:58pm
by HyperCloud The F...
我的地址是: 文件上传都很正å¸...
Views: 152   Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 9:25am
by sunwei
Title Problems
Im having problems with my title. When I view my website it's showing up where part of my title is shifting down to the next line (even though there is plenty of space on the line it is on) almost as if it's too long?! It's moving it out of the colored frame it's in...
Views: 99   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 5:28am
by Martin E. Meserv...
Frontpage publishing problem
I am still getting the error message "Could not find a web server at on port 21. Please check to make sure that the website name is valid and your proxy settings are set correctly." when I try to publish using Frontpage. I have disabled my Norton...
Views: 135   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 2:49am
by Willard Horne
hi does anyone know if the chat room counts towards your bandwidth? I mean if i have alot of people in my chat room typing alot will that take up alot of bandwidth. I know that bandwidth is how muxh activity you have on your site but i didn't know if the chatrooms co...
Views: 109   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 12:29am
by Peter
Uhh, i have a question, you see i published a forums site a couple of months ago, and i was wondering if i could, some how move it to my site?
Views: 107   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 13, 2005 12:25am
by Peter
community toolbar
I have created a community toolbar for my site. I have a problem. Every time I click on the sites logo on the toolbar the images on the site can not be displayed. It says, where the images would be located, remote linking is not allowed. Why is that?
Views: 84   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 5:08pm
by Stacy
i dont know my website name
i dont even know my website name! gd, i am reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally new at this crap i neeeeeeed to know my site name, my username is ducksmiles, i tried but it didnt freakin work!!!!!!!!! geez, i really need to know what to do, i can't fi...
Views: 99   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 2:42pm
by Peter
cgi and ssi
couple quick questions. do you support cgi on any of your packages? do you support SERVER SIDE INCLUDE(SSI)? i appreciate your time in this matter. sincerely thankful, Alfredo
Views: 97   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 1:31pm
by Stephen Chapman
photos unable to be used/published. They have an "X" behind them??
I have a question about uploading photos to my website. Some photos I upload to My photo folder are able to be used and others are not. I noticed that the photos that I am not able to get to display to be able to chose them for the visual display are the ones with...
Views: 198   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 11:45am
by Julie
HELP!!!!!!!!!'m new at this whole thing...what do I do? I use Note pad but how do I get my files actually ON THE INTERNET? A little help here?
Views: 83   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 11:42am
by Sakura
Cannot see my total Front page - Please ... this is a big ????
I've checked every thing out I know at my end ... probably can't see what I am suppose to be spoting the trouble. But, my Website ... does not go thru it's complete loading procedure. Please read the other post on the same subject. This means others cannot see...
Views: 82   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 11:23am
by C.L. Mareydt
Can anybody help me add second page??
I am using NO specail program but adobe & arcsoft,,,do i use another template??DOES anyone have an answer.???
Views: 65   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 10:53am
by Solo2
Where is the rest of my Front Page?
I log into my account ... but to view my site ... only part of it comes up. None of my pages ... only part of the front page. What could be wrong? In my management area ... everything is there. Advise? Catherine
Views: 68   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 9:20am
by C.L. Mareydt
Websites hosted by bravenet.
Where can I find the list of all websites hosted by bravenet?
Views: 100   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 9:00am
by Peter
How can I link to another site?
I used to have a direct link to another site that I had photos on...well, I recently switch to a new "design" For my site and now the link is no longer there!? What can I do to get that back up>?
Views: 107   Replies: 4
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 8:24am
by HappyMomAnna
what is wrong with publishing
Hi After Editing, I pressed publish site, got the Congratulations message but nothing shown when i type my site url. Please help ASAP thanks ta
Views: 91   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 8:21am
by HappyMomAnna
How do you get cookies enabled ?
I need help to put a guestbook on my site can you tell me how you get cookies enabled?
Views: 124   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 8:18am
by HappyMomAnna
can't find it.
I have been trying to raise my website through a search or keyword but have not been successful. Once it said the website was currently available for free. Usually it just says it can't locate and gives an error message. This is weird because it just started happenin...
Views: 137   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 8:06am
by steven
Organization Name
In the "complete signup" for the premium web hosting package, an "organization name" is required. Do I have to be an organization to receive this service? Can I not create a web site for promoting personal opinion pieces, musical compositions, poetry, etc.?
Views: 75   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 7:21am
by Michael
Empty File - Microsoft Internet Explorer
Can anyone explain why on the "taskbar", when I open my html web pages, that the "bar" says "empty file - microsoft internet explorer"? I know i have content within the html page. Will this affect the way serach engines will view my page? The Index.html page is ok...
Views: 55   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 6:52am
by Sarat
transfering a domain name
Hi all. I am selling a domain name of mine on eBay. Next week I should have a winner and I will need to transfer everything to someone else. The site is hosted on bravenet (its not, its a different domain name). What is the best way to go...
Views: 82   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 6:49am
by Craig Greenwood
A web journal with out puplisching it
Hi, I'm not sure if that post is in a right forum, but I was wondering if it is possibul to have a Web journal with out to puplisch it?
Views: 74   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 5:57am
by Gunnur
Music on site
HEy wuz up u guyz? I jus wana know how do i put music on my site???
Views: 88   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 12, 2005 5:24am
by Peter
how do i put my uploaded files on my website?
Views: 172   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 11:33pm
by Peter
problems on my site..still having personal info on it for all to see!!
Once I viewed my site on the internet..I realized that I was still able to go to service manager or members area to find all my personal info!! That shouldn't be there on the internet page!! I had to delete my photo album..guestbook..and everything else I added to si...
Views: 77   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 11:32pm
by Peter
Log of traffic?
Hello I'm wondering if there is any way one can get a log of one's website traffic? I think I may have somebody hotlinking and someone suggested I download my weblog and look at that. I'm wondering if there is a way I can do that. I've searched but haven't foun...
Views: 97   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 9:58pm
by Somebody or othe...
HELP!! How do i temporarily shut down my website. I need help ASAP!! Thanks!
Views: 166   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 8:45pm
by jill
Html Code
I cant get the HTML code to work for my e-mail a friend service? Can someone help/?
Views: 157   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 8:22pm
by Martin E. Meserv...
My site is ready to go... I've saved and published it, but I'm still getting the error page. My domain name is NOT through Bravenet. So what's up?
Views: 110   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 8:10pm
by Tonya
shutting down site
I was wondering how do i close my account and stop all the email from coming to me. I thought I already closed it but I'm still getting the email from it, so how do I shut it down for good?
Views: 105   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 4:28pm
by Peter
System Requirements
I am a MAC user with a 9.2 operating system. What are the system requirements? Thanks, R. Davila
Views: 74   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 4:24pm
by Peter
paid hosting and transferring pages
If I buy a domain name, is there a way I can transfer the pages from my free hosting account to that domain name? Do I have to buy a hosting package or can I just add a domain name to my existing account?
Views: 145   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 2:25pm
by Nik
Ok when go to insert a picture (already uploaded them) its says the name like this "picture (x)" so i cant use it? y is the an x there? ive used the picture b4 and its worked fine, so wats gone wrong?
Views: 108   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 2:20pm
by josh
Dedicated and shared hosting
For all yoru hosting needs check out (dedicated)$149 per month (starting) (shared)$6.99 pay in canadian funds unlimited bandwidth Plesk control panel unlimited not just one domain Save a bundle!
Views: 65   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 1:30pm
by Elisha
free site
I used to have a pro site and had little trouble. Things happen and I have been off line and let it expire. Now I have a free site and cannot even access it. When I go into the file manager this is what it says-The Bravenet FTP server is not available at this time...
Views: 131   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 1:26pm
by Stephen Chapman
im so lost!
Alright, Im going to try to explain this the easiest way possible. On my main webpage there is a navigation bar with links to all my web on one of those pages (not the main page) ..the Auto Parts page I want people to be able to look at the different sec...
Views: 116   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 1:24pm
by Stephen Chapman
deleting files
how do i delete multiple files when in bravenets file manager of my website
Views: 223   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 1:19pm
by bill
Ok, if I cant have two domain names on one account, or switch domain do I delete my accou
I am so lost :() please, someone tell me, I just paid for all this..two domain names, the best serve package or whatever.. but I see no where to un subscribe and just start over I guess... I bouight two domain names...the first one is registered to the account...
Views: 87   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:30pm
by Peter
I can't Activate my account fully.
It is so hard to navagate through this website! You know that? All I want to do is have a look at my page before I get out of here and I can't! Because it says that the site needs to be acctivated by the owner and I can't activate it!
Views: 73   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:11pm
by Peter
Can I accept Paypal payments through a free website?
Hi everyone, This is my first serious attempt at building a website & already I am confused. It doesn't take alot to confuse m ;-) Can I accept Paypal payments through a free website or do I need to upgrade?
Views: 127   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:10pm
by Morveryn
how do i uplaod a website built on frontpage or some thing on free mode??
i want to know how to upload a file that i have created on my own pc not on the internet on my free account???
Views: 100   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:09pm
by Peter
how do u view ur site???
how do u view ur website thingy??
Views: 164   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:01pm
by Peter
domain name
Can anyone tell me if you have had trouble registering your domain name. It has been almost 2 weeks since I have done so. My CC has been charged and I checked to see if I could use my name and no I couldn't use the name I had regerstered. I keep sending messages to...
Views: 169   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 11:35am
by Phil
how do u view ur site???
how do u view ur website thingy??
Views: 175   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 11:07am
by HappyMomAnna
I just bought a second domain do I build a website on it?
Or can I only have one domain name per account?> everytime I try to edit the page on the first domain only allows me to work on the original domain name I bought. is it one domain name per account? how do I switch between domain names? like drop the old o...
Views: 125   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 10:01am
by ralph
When i try to view my website i get 403 error??
IF you try to view my website it say some rubbish about 'The owner of this website is not allowing authorization to visitors'. Well i didnt do it!! ANyone know how to reverse this? I just uploaded the site so its not lyk i can reverse any cha...
Views: 109   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 9:51am
by HappyMomAnna
I am using a counter from the members area. it shows up in both visual and text editor but is not showing up in website. any advice?
Views: 181   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 9:35am
by HappyMomAnna
How to download HTML from free account to a new basic account. HELP!!
I bought a basic account, just by presing the upgrade button and paying. Do I have to do annything else or will everithing be done automaticly at the moment nothing works.I have a lot of staf on my free account and now I don't know how to do nothing. I'm waithing sin...
Views: 69   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 9:25am
Advertisements on paid hosting?
If I pay for Basic hosting through Bravenet will the advertisements be eliminated from the site when I use Bravenet tools, templates etc. We are a non-profit and do not want them. Thanks
Views: 73   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 8:41am
by Peter
Message forum, Please Help!! Please
Hi can you help me?!? I need to kow how to do 2 things. 1. when you post a message, how can u edit it? e.g. correct spelling. 2. MOST IMPORTANT how do u lock a thread and sticky it? This what i thought u had to do 1) log in 2)click on message forum 3)...
Views: 100   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 4:57am
by Martin E. Meserv...
I just payed for a year and would like to transfer everithing as I have on my free site to a new payed one. I have my free site on bravehost and I bought a domain and hosting allso here. Now nothing works neither the free site neither the new one. The free site is li...
Views: 69   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 3:59am
1 yr service term?
Domain name registered free for 1st year, with a minimum 1 year service term. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE YEAR IS UP? DO I LOSE MY SITE?
Views: 96   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 3:23am
by Peter
How do I create a new file?
How do I create a new file?
Views: 76   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 3:05am
by Peter
is a free web page here really free?
Views: 83   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 3:04am
by Peter
Views: 150   Replies: 5
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 2:01am
by preetam
ok i got a question what u do after u transfer a file to the ftp applet how can u put in my forums with the link so it can show the player-standings-etc... plz help me.
Views: 57   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 11, 2005 12:34am
by josecubs
Free domain 1 year domain!!!
Here it is, get a free 1 subscription to a 1year domain. all you have to do is sign up, and refer people to there site!! this is not a scam, because i know some people that have actually gotten a domain! see for yourselves!...
Views: 131   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 8:42pm
by nik
How do I...?
Hiya I have only just signed up at bravenet, and I was working on it last night. Can anybody tell me how I go back to continue working on my website please?
Views: 289   Replies: 6
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 8:24pm
by Martin E. Meserv...
Hi i want to use free site designer to upload my site to bravnet it uses ftp. I dont know what folder to upload to i tried /home and others please help. Heres the message they give me when i try. What folder on your web hosting...
Views: 100   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 6:52pm
by simpletech or jo...
Houston, we have a problem.
About 15 minutes ago at 2:40 A.M. Eastern Time, I was in my file manager program and making chnages.I would find between 3 and 7 or more examples of the exact same file and certain ones that I knew to be there not listed at all. When I first encountered one of these...
Views: 114   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 6:13pm
by Kierstra D\'An...
How do I take what I have already created and post it here? I can simply take the code and post it here, but I can't find a link to create your website!
Views: 105   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 5:56pm
by Andy
Where's my calendar?
I have added it to my site, but it isn't there.Help
Views: 69   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 4:33pm
by HappyMomAnna
Forbidden Error Message
I published my web page to my free bravenet site and it was giving me a blank page. I fixed that and tried to reupload the pages and now it's giving me a 'Forbidden' to view this page message. How do I get rid of this and did I do something wrong? HELP please!!...
Views: 180   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 4:28pm
by HappyMomAnna
Direct linking
Hi I was wondering if theres anyway of finding out if someone is direct linking from my website? I am on the basic free one. But i've noticed my bandwidth has suddenly shot up a bit. I thought this might be the problem but I dont know how to check.
Views: 181   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 4:23pm
by steph
adding mp3 clips to web site
I really need to find out how to add mp3 audio clips to my web site. somebody please help!!! Thnx
Views: 156   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 3:46pm
by ace
Help! Help! Big problems with journal
Can we change the looks of our journal and our without having to scrap the whole thing and start over. In my guestbook, I tried to put some pictures in the wrong section and now I want to get rid of them. How do I do that without scraping the whole journal? Also...
Views: 94   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 3:22pm
by Martin E. Meserv...
Publishing, Please i Need Help
Ok, i go to edit padges, change wat i want, the click save changes, then click publish and it says, congratulations web site published (or watever it says) THEN WHEN I LOOK AT MY SITE NOHING HAS CHANGED? Why is this?Please help!"!
Views: 113   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 2:04pm
by Josh
want delete empty folder but can't because it's not empty?!
Yesterday, I tried adding a messageboard by Uploaded the files, but couldn't get the thing to work and decided to delete it again. However, I have now a folder I can't remove. It's called "cache" and though I can't see any files in it, I keep getting the m...
Views: 144   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 1:30pm
by Stephen Chapman
I need help on the pages(order of pages)
I need help, Can you change the order of pages? I don't know how, I figure it an be done, I just need help doing it.
Views: 108   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 1:03pm
by Martin E. Meserv...
Domain sorta registered
I bought 5 years of Basic hosting, plus the domain name I thought domain registration was free for the first year. Is it? I registered a new domain; it was not transferred. I registered it exactly a week ago. Did I wait long enough? I can upload fil...
Views: 98   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 12:45pm
by Phil
The Photoshop Query at Hand
Ok, so there are lots of free templates that you can download on the net and stuff right? You can edit a lot of these with photoshop and stuff. My question is, once you have edited a template that you like with photoshop, how do you go about putting that on your webs...
Views: 152   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 11:52am
by Jon
FTP/java problem with another site
I do not know if it is realted or a coincidence, but since I set myself up to use the FTP system here, I can not play the game at: is there something that can be done about this? it has been a few week...
Views: 92   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 10:38am
by Kierstra D'Andr...
FTP Access with Client Program Net Objects Fusion 7.5
I recently set up free hosting with Bravenet. I had problems getting the ftp instructions from Bravenet to work. I searched this forum with no luck. After much frustration I was given the correct info after two support tickets. If you have Net Objects Fusion here...
Views: 154   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 10:11am
by Keith
Yahoo Back Door
This was mentioned in a email from Bravenet. Out of interest, what was it?
Views: 91   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 7:23am
by Liza
page layout changing.
So far from what i have read and seen, subdomains are seperate websites. however, when changing layout of one subdomain, the other changes as well. Photos are coming up on his or my computer, may be settings, who knows. More curious as to why when I make a change to...
Views: 61   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 6:57am
by Kristin
view my site !!
hi, ive given my site a make over , pleeze check it out and let me know wat u think of it !!! with thanks shakira
Views: 87   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 5:45am
by shakira
Uploading from Windows Movie Maker?
Which version do i need in order to upload movies i have made from Windows movie maker? I currently have the free trial which doesnt seem to support it.
Views: 89   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 10, 2005 4:03am
by Rina
"downgrading' my subscription??
Hi, My registration for is due to expire 13.08.05. I would like to continue with my website, but under your free service (so my website would change to I assume) Can I transfer my current 'paid' website to the free ser...
Views: 99   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 11:57pm
by Peter
inquiry about the account!!!!
hi, just asking why i can't open my account here in i know my username and password but still i can't open my account here?.. what is the problem? hope to hear you soon........
Views: 104   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 11:31pm
by Peter
Can't post in the guestbook
I am not allowed to post in a guest book because I was told "I've clicked several times" so my posts are restricted. This isn't true and you must have my email mixed up with someone else. Please lift this ban of punishment because I am not the person who did a...
Views: 77   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 7:01pm
by Ally
how do i delete my account?
i no longer need my bravenet account... is there any way i can delete it? thanks...
Views: 123   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 4:35pm
by Peter
I have lowered the security level to "low-medium" and I still get the message "Cookies not enabled". What should I do next?
Views: 103   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 3:25pm
by John Alexander
Hi, does anybody know how to have a window that is part of your site and comes up when a visitor clicks on a link etc.???
Views: 139   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 2:42pm
by macmac
taking domain name and running
i subscribed paid money cannot figure this thing out. does anyone know if ican take my domain name and run? i received a free domain with my subscription
Views: 229   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 2:19pm
by macmac
Dedicated hosting
Anyone having ISP troubles? Are you looking to pay in canadian currency? I used to be with an ISP that kept going down, and I got no support and was being billed even after I cancelled. check out! Thanks Elisha
Views: 85   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 2:02pm
by Stephen Chapman
When I signed up for this they said I had 50mb of storage. I would like to upload a .asx link but can't find where to upload the file. any suggestions?
Views: 96   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 12:03pm
by Peter
Domain forwarding cost?
I registered a domain name with Bravenet, but now I need to forward that domain to part of my web developer's website hosted elsewhere. I've seen how easy it is to forward domains here, is there any cost to doing that? Thanks!
Views: 105   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 11:10am
by Lee
Having trouble with front page editing...
I'm in the first block, but as I click "Save changes and continue" it just bumps me back to I'm forever stuck there. THere is no "publish" and if I go backwards, my changes don't apply. Regardless of what I do - my changes on this page do not take hold....
Views: 181   Replies: 3
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 11:08am
by Martin E. Meserv...
where is it?
PLEASE HELP ME! I've had this site about 10 days and have worked at it forever. Had it up but everytime I try to edit it changes everything. Now I can see my files in my file manager but can't find it on net. Could someone look at it and tell me what is wrong and...
Views: 212   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 6:43am
by Trish
Webhosting without creditcard???
Is it able to get host if you dont have credit card,i mean without it,somehow to pay bill in bank or something like that??i want to put website on,but i have problems because i dont have and cant have credit card,plz help
Views: 105   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 6:17am
by Trish
A quation
How I can manage The guest book?
Views: 71   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 5:06am
by Mohamed Abukar
cannot upload swf files....
can any one help...while i am trying to upload swf getting error as "you may not upload with extension'.'"......i change also ext.for my swf files...suppose it is ad then i changed to ad.swf...after renaming it's giving same error.... please suggest me...
Views: 96   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 4:09am
by Larry
How do i upload my site?
how do i upload my web pages?
Views: 128   Replies: 1
Last Post: Aug 9, 2005 2:43am
by Peter
About Forum without ads
If I have a Basic Web Hosting, do I get a Forum without ads? Or do I have to have a Premium web Hosting?
Views: 103   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 8, 2005 10:45pm
by Hitomi
Web Journal Navagation Issues! Please anyone, I need to the help before I pull my hair out!
On my website home page I have two navigation bars, one with my placed pages, the other with "Fun Stuff" the bravenet navagation where all the site add-ons are located...but somehow it's appearing like this... Navagation Main page Gallery My Works Fun Stuff...
Views: 61   Replies: 0
Last Post: Aug 8, 2005 8:56pm
by Ashlyn
If i go to my website from a different computer, the setting and layout of the text and the images changes and therefore is not in the correct places. this is do i make sure its fixed?? Please Help!
Views: 208   Replies: 2
Last Post: Aug 8, 2005 7:04pm
by macmac
Published Site On Dreamweaver
Ok i Published The Site On Dreamweaver And When I Go To I can see the images because i already have the images on my computer well I uploaded the images and People Say They Cant See The Images Only Text please HELP......Pro Hosting
Views: 272   Replies: 8
Last Post: Aug 8, 2005 6:45pm
by macmac