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Daniel Reeves Forum about life at 52!
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Living with Pain.

There are day’s that I get tried of doing the same thing get up eat breakfast take my pills take time and walk 1-mile to bus stop. Do what I have too. Than walk, back home this is about 2.5 miles. I’ve been doing this 5-6 times a week since 2000. Wait a minute I didn’t start walking 5-6 times a week. If I could walk one block, I was doing well. It took me years to get to this point in my life. I found out that I have diabetes type-2 in 1997. Put this on the fact that I have Rheumatoid Arthritis in my knees since 1992 and pain in my back from a car clash I received back in 1976 on my drive to Huston Texas from Washington DC than you can understand why I need to say this. Back to the reason why I’m doing this. As you can see I’m in pain all the time from the moment I wakeup until I go to bed at night, there is pain as I sleep. So, when I walk the pain is as bad as you can get for someone that will not take drugs (painkillers). I have my reasons for this. I like it too much. I have learned a technique to Meditate but this only makes the pain less for a short time doing and after my walks I have to lay down or sit for hours. Until the pain goes down and I can move. I do this like I said 5-6 times a week all month long. Like the postman rain or sun, cold or hot. So, I know what it means to walk with pain. Hey, if I don’t do something they said I was going to die. Ok not that day but real soon. It took me 2-years to get it right. I backside a lot back than, I was not going to make it until my father said to me that I was fooling myself if I thought that I could lie to all about doing the right thing for my self and God would know as would I that I was lying to myself. This stops me in my tracks for I was not looking for this kind of message from anyone. I wanted to just give up and die right there. But you know something when you finally see nothing but well nothing, you see the light at the end of your journey. So life became something you want not lose.
So why am, I telling you this well. I want you to see that if you put you mind and body in one voice you can do things that people say is impossible for you to do. This from someone who has lost as much as 190-lbs from 1997 to 2006 at 1-3lbs a month sometimes more and sometimes less has about 85lbs more to do. I hope this helps someone as it did me.